
Agency Logo Design VS Freelancer Logo Design

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The New Year is always welcomed with positivity and recent trends to look out in 2021. Last year was no less than a nightmare, and everybody effected badly through professional as well as personal lives; hence, it has become more critical for brands to build their brand identity and connect people effectively.

A business, which is planning to revamp its brand logo or with efforts are starting up new, should ensure to be aware of the importance of brand Logo.

No matter what type of business you operate, you just can’t ignore the importance of your brand logo.

Many people believe that it’s too simple to design a logo. They think creating a logo is nothing but only inserting company’s name on a blank canvas. It’s a complete misconception! There is much more to craft than just merely inserting a name on a blank canvas.

When you know the importance of a good logo next big decision comes “where to get it done”. While a lot of people stay with a myth that agencies charge bomb and small companies cannot afford a logo design agency which is wrong. Hiring a professional designer or design firm compared to freelancer will help to ensure that your final design logo will be distinctive and communicate your brand’s message.

As a logo design agency with 18+ years of experience in the diverse industry, we have come up with a massive number of clients who approach us to add life to their project, and we are happily doing that.

There are a lot of people who have this confusion whether to get logo design done from an agency or freelancers while cost being the primary deciding factor here which usually should not be as the logo being your asset and face of the company.

I am sure after all this conversation you must be thinking whom should you choose the one who will complete your project very successfully within the appropriate timeline and on the other hand will also not charge a bomb. Hiring freelancers tend to be the obvious choice for you, but here you need to be smart enough to understand that there will be the quality difference, but when its start and you have crunch you can go.

Also, make sure that today there are many such reputed logo design agency who plan approachable costing for start-ups and encourage them to start.

Let us discuss some of the significant pros and cons of freelancer’s logo design v/s agency logo design.

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Feelancer Logo Design

Freelancers are the one who are love freedom and they are their own bosses. There are qualified designers with knowledge of the composition, shades, concepts and probably know how to use the software pretty well.
They follow and work on their own terms and conditions which sometimes lead to best of the work while sometimes may act as their drawback because lot of clients want to invest their valuable time in framing concepts with designer.
They do come with their own advantages and disadvantages it is upto customers, his taste to decide and seal the deal.

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Pros of Freelancer logo design

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1. Cost Reduction 

The significant advantage is costing; here you get what you pay for, depending upon the experience of freelancer he will charge his fees. Freelancers, charge quite a lot even on an hourly basis, charging fewer overheads compared to a creative agency.

But make sure always to keep an eye on their market reviews and check the logo design portfolio to ensure his/her worth in the market.

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2. Specialisation 

Often freelancers have their niche in which they are experts and approaching experts is usually, the reason behind choosing freelancers is to have a person who is qualified in a particular skill.

Hiring an expert freelance logo designer is beneficial as this is a job that will require an adequate level of expertise that your full-time employee will not have.


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3. Flexibility

Now you don’t have to worry about logistics, nor do you need to think before calling you can call them anytime. As their working hours are flexible; hence it is easy to get in touch with them as they don’t have standard working timings like agencies.

If we have less time since freelancers are flexible, they can adjust their schedule and make sure your work is done within a few hours also.

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Cons of Freelancer logo design 

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1. Limitations 

You have a specific job in mind when you approach a freelancer. You can’t add new things to this mix when they are busy with your task.

Wherever there is a new strategy, and unexpected changes appear, the freelance logo designer will not be able to comply with your brand needs, or we can say he may not have that skill to deal with the issue.

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2. Reliability 

It is one of the most commonly seen concerns with freelancers they disappear without any notice. There is no discipline, no punctuality, time zone issues which may cause significant disruptions in work output.

While the agency might charge a bit higher than a freelancer, but they always ensure to maintain their commitment and one person is still there in touch with you to understand your needs and feedback.


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3. No idea about brand guidelines 

Each brand is having its consistent brand manual elements such as colour, brand story, font, positioning, personality and many more. Still, when your brand is with a freelancer, they are least bothered about your brand vision, mission and other detailing.

That will not only mess with the logo design but will also mess with your whole project. Brand culture, language are also essential elements of logo design which a freelancer will not invest in understanding.

No idea about brand guidelines

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The logo design agencies have professionals who will create outstanding logo designs for your specified company so that you can grab the clients attention. Graphic design agencies aim is to help you communicate your brand vision effectively with the target audience, and if done correctly, it’s a roadmap for sales and revenue generation.

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Also Read: Logo Design Trends 2021 for Indian Businesses

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Pros of Logo design agency

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1. Diversified Experience Team 

Logo design agencies also invest in the best software backed up with reliable security and best-skilled manpower. With a big creative team of professionals, it is straightforward to take care of all your needs, as they don’t need to track skilled people as per the task because they are readily available in-house.

Your entire project is delivered to with commitment of a team. Hence, it is precise and very consistent. Hiring too many freelancers doesn’t give you this consistency.

Team work

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2. They are more updated 

In the world of creative trends and latest updates are changing at a breakneck pace, and one should be tracking it always to stay relevant, and agencies do that effectively. While freelancers can be lazy since its one-man army, they fail to follow and stay out-dated while agencies are always conducting new training, seminars to make sure their manpower is updated.

Project managers and Designers brainstorm to come up with very creative ideas to complete your assigned project. In a few cases, you are asked to validate the idea that they come up with. Even technically, agencies are sounder as freelancers cannot afford the cost.


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3. Different types of services 

Logo agencies are having diverse people catering to different services under one roof, logo designers, motion logo, responsive logo, illustrators, 3D designers, animated logo and a lot more. They are expert in creating various field logo designs, which provide you with an ultimate solution while freelancers don’t know in every field, which is quite normal.

The efficiency level of the agency increases by many folds when branding, creative, digital teamwork with graphic designers who come up with new and unique ideas for your projects.


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Cons of Logo design Agency

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1. Pricing

There is no doubt the cost of hiring a logo design agency is higher compared to a freelancer. That is because there are many value-added benefits to the project, but as a startup, it is a big task to bare agency cost.

If you are just starting with your designing project and you do not have the budget to spend on an agency, you should avoid hiring an agency.

price details

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2. Location 

Freelancer has the liberty to work from anywhere while people trust agencies which are closer to them and where they can visit. But these day’s agencies are opting international projects also where in the modern world this barrier does no longer exist.

Zoom, Google Hangouts and Skype sessions make this easy task to communicate with customers sitting miles away. Freelancer here is sitting miles away yet quickly opting for projects.


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Many plan to design their brand logo by themselves, which is not a productive idea according to us. Whether you decide to choose an agency or a freelancer, make sure that you know who you’re hiring, and the choice depends on your business project and its requirements.

Now when we have put a light on both types of logo, designers also make sure that there are agencies who are start-ups friendly and their target is to create designs that will represent your brand vision. That will help you complete your brand mission; you shouldn’t compromise with the work quality.

LogoPeople is a professional logo design agency in Delhi NCR whose approachable pricing and down to earth nature will ensure to make your brand stand out with the classic brand logo which will represent your brand effectively in the market.

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Being a strategist’s head and a long term visionary personality aims to achieve excellence in branding, packaging and digital marketing field. My 15 years of design experience and masters degree ais my strength which keeps me motivated and keep me going positively. I have participated in extensive branding design conquests in India, USA, Australia and New Zealand with winning zeal. My objective is to encourage start-ups and hence involves actively in the articles which will act as a productive intake of knowledge for them. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.

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