
Choose Best Logo Colour & Color Palette for your Brand

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Life would be boring without colours around us; some shades are favourites that always makes us cheerful and happy. Did you know logo colour is also massively important in brand strategy?

When you look a red, yellow, green, blue colour logo even without the brand image, which is the only colour that allows you to imagine what brand it is?

Such as Coke, Mac D, Starbucks, SBI, etc. when logo design company create a logo, the choice of colours is a crucial element as it should justify the brand’s purpose.

According to the study by Exciting Red and Competent Blue, purchasing intent is greatly affected by tones on how a brand is perceived. Colours influence how the target audience views the “personality” of the brand, in question playing a central role in creative brand development.

The first time your target audience will notice in the logo is colour, which plays a significant role in consumer behaviour. If the colour choice is low, then your product or brand is somewhat destined to fail.

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What is the Color Palette?

There is a full range of colours displayed on a device screen or any other interface in the digital world. The colour palette communicates about the device’s electronic design or technology and its visual capabilities for human users.

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Why Logo colours matter?

Such a fast-developing phase and speed brand logo should be precise and coordinated with its brand guidelines. The colours you choose will evoke an emotional reaction and connection with your target audience. 

2021 is a year where your purchases will be positively influenced through colour, as around 93% of visual appearance will play an important role in your logos. 85% of shoppers will stated that colour is the primary reason for why they buy a particular product.

80% of complete visual information, which a human brain takes, is connected directly to colour. First impressions of a brand is created in 90 seconds or less. Hence, a brand to make a lasting impression needs its logo design to be a distinct standout, memorable, and ultimately iconic.

Your brand logo’s colour communicates your company values to your target group.

When the brand achieves worldwide success, the brand name is invisible, leaving behind only its design and colour. When that happens, consumers begin to synonymies the shade with the brand.

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Different Types of Logo Colors & Color Palette

To design a perfect logo, one should have clarity on your target audience and look at the psychology behind your potential brand colours. Such psychology influences colours on human mood and behaviour. It is said that the human mind subconsciously reacts and interprets shade in a way that controls our actions.

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Let’s understand the meaning behind each colour:

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1. Red Color Logo

Red is often associated with energy, war, danger, power, passion, desire, and love. Some common associations with red include action, adventure, aggression, and excitement. Red stands for passion, excitement and anger. It also signifies importance and command attention.

Some Color Palettes you can use with Red Color

red color palette

red color palette

red color palette

red color palette

best red color logo design


red color logo design


red color logo design


best red color logo design


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2. Green Color Logo

Green evokes stability, prosperity and a connection to nature. It symbolizes growth, freshness, serenity, money, health, and healing.

Green ensures people feel secure and rested; celebrity is made to wait in the green room before going on camera or getting relaxed. It forms a balance in your brain for correct decisiveness. It is also perceived negatively when associated with materialism, envy, and possessiveness.

Some Color Palettes you can use with Green Color

green color palette

green color palette

green color palette

green color palette

green colour logo design


green colour logo design


green logo design


green logo design


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3. Blue Color Logo

Different blue will also have other effects, such as the light shade of blue exudes tranquility, trust, openness. Dark blue stands for professionalism, security, formality, mature and trustworthy.

Blue in your brand logo has a calming, soothing effect and works great for brands that want to put their clients at ease.

Some Color Palettes you can use with Blue Color

blue colour palette

blue colour palette

blue colour palette

blue colour palette

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Also Read: Logo Design Fonts & How to use them?

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4. Purple Color Logo

The shade purple indicates honour, royalty, courage, faith, feminine and leadership. In few countries, it is related to wealth, extravagance, fantasy and the world of dreams. It also enhances the spiritual pursuits, enlightenment heightens people’s sense of beauty and their reaction to more creative ideas.

It’s associated with mystical powers, intuition, higher levels of perception and different levels of consciousness. So if you’re a psychic or work in the spiritual sectors, purple is a perfect colour for your logo.

Some Color Palettes you can use with Purple Color

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purple logo design


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5. Yellow Color Logo

The brands that seek customers’ attention with warm, confronting and youthful energy will be associated with a yellow colour logo. The brand with the personality of playful, radiant and affordable will be always represented in this shade.

Its appeals to the kid and represent the brand with active, bright, reasonable, fast, accessible products or services that may benefit from using yellow in their branding. Customers’ emotions with a yellow logo is that it makes them happier and angrier depending upon where it is used.

The objective of a successful yellow brand logo is to sell a product to spur a positive emotion. If associated with food, then the yellow logo also frequently affects appetite.

Some Color Palettes you can use with Yellow Color

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yellow color palette

yellow color palette

yellow color palette

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6. Orange Color Logo

Orange impacts people on emotional levels as it can trigger a specific action. In some food and beverage companies they use orange for their sub-brands.

Orange is great for brands looking to elicit feelings of vitality and happiness, such as travel companies.

Its aggressiveness tempered by friendliness presents an excellent colour for calls to action. Being bright makes orange the favourite colour for industries dealing with kids’ products and foods. Some creative industries use orange in logos to stand out.

Some Color Palettes you can use with Orange Color

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orange logo design


creative orange logo design


orange logo design


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7. Pink Color Logo

It is considered as the most feminine colour; pink shades are nonetheless versatile. Being a lighter shade of red, brands that employ pink can retain a sense of energy and cheer blended with a perception of soothing calm. It creates a feeling sometimes associated with sex and sexuality.

It also shines a nurturing light that soothes and reminds us of the feminine principle.

It is also used for companies dealing with children’s clothes and accessories. Because it is playful and innocent, it is not suitable for the corporate or industrial unit.

Some Color Palettes you can use with Pink Color

pink color palette

pink color palette

pink color palette

pink color palette

pink logo design


pink color logo design


pink logo design


pink color logo design


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Now, you know how colours play a massive role in giving your logo a life. If you want to establish a logo design that stands out, play with shades that discuss their brand personality.

The correct colour will represent the essence of your client’s company features. Be sure not to forget the target audience and how they will relate to the logo design colours.

Ensure to think about the emotions you are trying to elicit and how you want your consumers to respond to your brand. By identifying the right colour combination and executing it, you can help your brand leave a lasting impact that shapes a more powerful connection with your audience.

To start your design process for a logo with perfect brand colour, connect us today, and our experts will study your brand characteristics to assign proper brand shade guidelines for your logo.


megha-profile-blogAs a passionate entrepreneur and creative brand consultant with experience of 14 years in digital, branding and packaging industry, it is my honest effort to put my experiences and knowledge of industry towards readers. A chartered accountant by degree but a marketing personality in blood has motivated her to take in designing industry as a career. With her fun-loving personality and sharp branding skills, she is a great motivational speaker on her YouTube channel, an active member in various business channels offline as well as online. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.

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