
5 Types of Company Logo Design & its Elements

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After so many of our blogs about our niche industry logo design, I am sure many of you are  now aware about what is a logo and how a logo design is important for your business in brand building.

It is now essential to understand What makes The Different Types Of Logo Design? so unique is the fact that they do their job extremely well, they visually identify us with the brand and we know exactly who they are, what they do, and this is what I strive for with every logo design I undertake as I want to make them look as big as their biggest competitor.

Depending upon which sector are you and what form of body you belong to the logo design is decided accordingly. But logos are not just random symbols they represent some meaning behind it. If you are not aware of it, read on to understand the significance of logos. A logo conveys your company’s values, tells a story, and even helps people trust your brand.

If your logo does correctly convey the right message to a prospective customer means you choose the right logo design company for your brand.It could even mean that customer selected your product is instead of your competition

Types of Company Logo Design

1. Private company logo

If you are running a private independent business, which is not an easy task, then plan to show off your brand’s personality with a custom private logo designed by professional logo design agency.

While designing you should need to know what your main objective is – offering the best-in-class products in a particular domain, providing exemplary customer service.

Many private practitioners do marketing with billboards, newspaper advertisements, and promotional items like calendars, notepads, etc. In all these products, you need to use logos if you want to build a brand. This means that your logo should be scalable.

Source: woodhatspirits.com/

creative wood company logo design

Source: gravitywoodworking.com/

Private company logo design

Source: visme.co/blog/logo-samples/

Private company logo design inspiration

Source: visme.co/blog/logo-samples/

Private company logo design inspiration


Private company logo design

Source: designhill.com/logo-design/

public company logo design

Source: 99designs.com/logo-design/contests/logo-recently-listed-public-company-964554

creative logo design inspiration

Source: designhill.com/logo-design/

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2. Public Company Logo

A public company, publicly traded company, publicly held company, publicly listed company, or public limited company is a company whose ownership is organized via shares of stock which are intended to be freely traded on a stock exchange or in over-the-counter markets. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_company

Logo design of such company should feature something unexpected or unique, without being “overdrawn.” Since they are public oriented companies hence the logos design should be easily recognized, incredibly memorable and the most effective in conveying the requirements of the client.

best public company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bharat_Electronics

best public company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bharat_Dynamics_Limited

public company logo design

Source: businessmarathonindia.in/services/public-limited-company/

public company logo design

Source: cpasitesolutions.com/youget/cpa-website-design/cpa-logos.php

best public company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Express

best public company logo design

Source: shebaholdings.com/

creative logo design inspiration

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture_Insurance_Company_of_India

creative logo design inspiration

Source: 48hourslogo.com/inspiration/Public-relations-logo

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3. Holding and Subsidiary

A holding company is a type of financial organization that owns a controlling interest in other companies, which are called subsidiaries.

Invest time in understanding brand history and its brand story so that those unique values can be crafted in logo design. Through repetition, scaling, rotation, we can now make graphics and collateral that build brand recognition. When re-designing the logo for your family of dealerships or companies, starting with an honest conversation about the past, current, and future company goals and relationship between brands will aid in setting the strategy and goals of your new logo or logos. Then, focus on developing and rolling out your brand guidelines for the best results.

amazing holding firm logo design

Source: hrund.myportfolio.com/aurora-holding

creative holding company logo design


amazing holding firm logo design

Source: designcrowd.com/logo-design/contest/400737

amazing holding firm logo design

Source: freelancer.com/contest/A-logo-designed-for-holding-company-logo-must-be-simple-serious-with-bit-of-color-company-name-capital-gain-holding-either-company-name-or-initials-for-the-logo-1454588-byentry-24929663?w=f&ngsw-bypass=

amazing holding firm logo design


holding company logo design ideas


holding company logo design ideas


logo design

Source: designcrowd.com/design/19904371

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4. Associate

An associate company is a firm that is owned in part by a parent company entity. Unlike a subsidiary company, the parent will only own a minority or non-controlling stake in the associate company. Here the logo should communicate something unique about the organization. If you are in team, a youth group, or a professional group that targets corporate managers, a good associate logo design could help make your organization more popular and identifiable. Our logo design expert designers work together to develop the best ideas, so you can make the most of your associate group. Our staff of professional designers can make logos for all of your group’s needs and draw inspiration from a questionnaire that you fill out.

associate company logo design

Source: behance.net/gallery/107767227/THOMAS-LAW?tracking_source=search_projects_recommended%7CAssociate%20firm%20logo%20design

associate company logo design

Source: behance.net/gallery/16578373/Venegas-Law-Firm

associate company logo design

Source: webprecis.com/free-law-firm-logos-for-inspiration/

associate company logo design

Source: behance.net/gallery/104846705/Firma-Legal-20?tracking_source=search_projects_recommended%7CAssociate%20firm%20logo%20design

law logo design inspiration

Source: serp.co/blog/law-firm-logos/

law firm logo design

Source: behance.net/gallery/45600303/BAJWA-NATT-LAW-FIRMLOGO-DESIGN

law firm logo design

Source: reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/d1gswg/law_firm_logo_design_and_branding/

creative law firm logo design

Source: serp.co/blog/law-firm-logos/

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5. Foreign

When you finally extend in a market that has gradually expanded internationally hence your target audience is also change and to communicate correctly with them you need to adopt their culture through logo design. Global logos should  successfully consider a brand identity capable of transcending geographies and cultures takes time also needs consideration. Ensure brand story is developing an emotive to build a consistent picture of a company which makes it easy for specific target consumers to connect with it. Your brand should be aware of both linguistic and visual translations to ensure its message is clearly communicated through creative logo design to every audience. Everything we do is governed by a set of cultural messages and conventions, linguistic quirks and locational differences.

MNC company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7-Eleven

MNC company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/85C_Bakery_Cafe

MNC company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajinomoto

foreign company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibson

foreign company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Ribbon_Bakeshop

foreign company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pfizer

best mnc company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsonite

best mnc company logo design

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandvik

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Also Read: 8 Business Logo Design Trends 2021

Important Elements of Company Logo Design

1. Simplicity

People don’t have time to sit and analyse your logo design hence you need to be simple, quick and precise. Too much of work makes logo look complicated and unclear while it should engage customer being classic yet simplistic. If you check in any global brand with successful logos they all are simple and easily so that way they increase they brand recall value also.

2. Relevance

Logo is not just restricted to being catchy and cool but it is very important that it is meaningful. It is the best way to convey your brand message through logo design to target audience. Design should be interactive only then it will create an emotional connection with customers or else it will be known as dull without any brand purpose.

3. Images

The best way to directly tell customers what you are into is through images. Lot of food companies do this they show the actually product itself in logo so that people can easily identify your services and approach you.  Combination of text and image based logos are most popular logo type which engage the most to customers. The image should convey to potential customers that your business is professional, trustworthy, and provides quality goods or services.

4. Shape and Patterns

Shapes are defined by boundaries such as with lines or colour and can also be created with negative space. Shapes or patterns add interest and substance to a piece of graphic work. Hence they decorate, they can be symbolic, geometric or organic are used to create patterns and textures. The logo shapes produce a feeling of control, convey messages and engage audience.

5. Typography

Best way to add personality to your brand is by using strategically typography to the design. Experienced professional designers add typefaces to bring robustness, modern, softness, humor and such character to a logo design as per the clients’ design requirements. It is the second best visible thing after colours hence be very smart in it. Logotype, which is the logo based on the company’s name, the typeface dominates the design.

6. Uniqueness

Conduct market research and competitive analysis for design inspiration is a great idea. Your logo should make sure it sets you apart from crowd,  recognizable as distinct and not allow you to be confused with another brand.

7. Memorable

An intelligent logo is such which is unique yet memorable, hence your audience should be able to recall specific elements of your logo after seeing it very briefly. Depending upon the channel or platform, a consumer may only see your logo for a few seconds. Understanding who your audience, is the message and tone you want to convey to them is a logical first step.

8. Colours

Each colours reinforce and strengthen the intended core message/emotion/personality/mood which your brand is trying to communicate.

Also, consider colours that work well with dark and white backgrounds. Because logos are often printed in black or white, chose a logo design that is viable and as strong or stronger in black and white.

Think twice about including more than 3 colors in a logo – too many colors will increase the cost of production when printing and may make the logo more difficult to reproduce.

9. Clean brand message

Depending upon the brand positioning and personality, the brand message should be conveyed beautifully through brand story on back of packaging  and taglines. The value proposition of brand should be creatively crafted through message in such a way that it connects emotional and stays in the minds of customers for longer period of time.

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Good branding provides an excellent opportunity for small businesses as well as giant brands to stand out from the competition. Crafting a right logo, is correct direction to create a first and lasting impression in your target audience. By communicating your brand’s values from the first moment a customer sees it and feel positive about your brand so make it a good one. Make sure you select professional and experience logo design agency , connect us to understand what is best for your logo as per your industry type and we will help you grow in market.

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Being a strategist’s head and a long term visionary personality aims to achieve excellence in branding, packaging and digital marketing field. My 15 years of design experience and masters degree ais my strength which keeps me motivated and keep me going positively. I have participated in extensive branding design conquests in India, USA, Australia and New Zealand with winning zeal. My objective is to encourage start-ups and hence involves actively in the articles which will act as a productive intake of knowledge for them. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.

One response to “5 Types of Company Logo Design & its Elements”

  1. I have read a blog relating to logo design? A logo design to the audience what the brand is all about our efficient designing team does logo design and printing work with perfection An innovative logo design must reflect your brand when it comes to branding, the basic information of your business the preferred design style, the completion deadline, and the budget. If communication falls short between you and the e-commerce product data entry services, it can mean disaster for you

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