
10 logo designs of Government of India setups or companies

Every single entity out there; be it business or even non-profit, tends to have its very own logo that represents its values, beliefs and ethics. This obviously goes on to signify that governmental organizations and setups also have their own logos. In terms of India, the logo designs for the Government are obviously the property of the Government of India itself. Now, there are certain factors and elements that are associated with these logos. These are inclusive of:

Presents Indian themes and culture
Signifying the Government of India, the logos obviously have a touch of Indian themes, motifs, culture and of course – history. All of these elements go on to represent the ‘Indian’ element and feel of the logo.

Exclusive and original
The logo designs that are created for the Indian Government are obviously exclusive in the sense that these cannot be copied or used by common people. These can only be utilized by either the government itself or the setups and companies that they have been created for. Subsequently, they are original and creative so as to represent the originality and ethics of the government itself.

Easily identified by the diverse Indian culture
India tends to have a culture so diverse that it would take years upon years for a person to understand it completely. Every region of this great country has its very own cultural values. All of these elements are present in the logos that are used by the government. The amalgamation of Indian culture is possible through the use of India based colors, animals and elements such as the rangoli.

Legal ownership by the government
Of course, all of these logos are property of the Government of India and no other entity has the right to use them.

Specification of size, color and font must be followed
There are certain specifications in terms of size, color and font that these logos need to follow. Basically, these need to have a very serious, to the point look, which can easily be created by using fonts and colors that depict exactly that.

Easy to understand
Just like any other logos, governmental logos must never be complex. People or at least the citizens of India must be able to understand the logo and recognize it immediately. Anything too complex represents amateurishness and must definitely be avoided.

Easy to print and use in signage
The logo needs to be very simple and free of any intricacies. Remember, these logos will largely be printed in color and in black and white as well and will often by used in signage as well. For this reason, they need to be simple so that all of this can be achieved easily.

Inspire confidence and security
The logo designed should be such that when people look at it, they get a feel of security and confidence through it. These are the elements of a good Government and that is exactly what the logo should portray as well.

Must have translation in Indian Language
Logos that are in English must have a translation integrated into them in the Hindi language. Not everyone in India speaks English and the fact is that their mother language is Hindi, so make sure that a translation is placed.

Frequent use of National symbols
The utilization of national symbols is highly recommended. These can include the Indian lotus, the peacock, or even the flag of India.

logo design india

2 responses to “10 logo designs of Government of India setups or companies”

  1. logo of any companies is represent a unity and standard from which a company was identified

  2. All logo’s are amazing this is the proud of our India Government, Unity of our country. some represents culture, history and all.
    Our Country is the best country all over the world.