packet design ideas

101+ Packet Design Ideas Inspiring Pick from Shelf Designs

Your favourite packet of chips in a random polythene packet or a customised packaging design that shares all the ingredients and product highlights in an interactive way – Which one will you choose? We know what you are thinking. Definitely the latter one!

If you are about to launch your next best food product, you MUST invest in a professional packaging design today. With limited space and endless numbers of brands competing against each other, you must work hard to settle for mediocrity, especially when it comes to your product display.

Packet Design Ideas

The art of crafting a solid packet design in India for food brands is tricky. Here is a list of the top 101+ packet design ideas designed by our expert professionals that are suitable for all food brands across India! We have also shared a comprehensive guide that will help you get started with creating your next food packaging design and stand out from an increasingly crowded marketplace.

How innovative packet design is ruling the packaging industry?

Check out any grocery market near your locality. You will find hundreds of brands selling the same product but with different packet designs. Only the most interactive ones with the best quality convert to a final sale.

Most consumers in India agree that the packet design has a significant role in influencing their purchase decisions. As unfair as it sounds, they directly correlate the value of your product to your packet design.

High-quality packet design can effectively increase your product sales and make your products the bestseller in the Indian market. This is because a custom packet or pouch design tailored specifically for your target audiences builds trust and faith within the customers, which is essential to boost repeat product sales for the business.

Steps Followed in Packet Design that Can Stand Out on Selves

When creating a packet design, you need to consider several aspects. As a design company, we have shared a few of these points that will make your packet design process more accessible. Let’s get started.

1. Define Your Brand Identity

The success of your packet design solely depends on your brand identity. You must clearly define your brand identity to set your brand apart from competitors in such a crowded marketplace. Curate a packet design that strictly resonates with your target audiences and your brand personality. This will help build a solid connection between the customers and your products, fostering long-term relationships in the industry.





2. Consider your customer

Your packet design must have all the elements that interest your target audiences. Include all the aspects that your target customers are looking for when shopping at a retail store. Incorporate the product benefits and ingredients that can convince your potential customers to trust and choose your brand over others. Choosing a vibe for the packet designs that solely resonates with your target audiences is an excellent way to brew curiosity and awareness about your brand.





3. Design for Greater Shelf Impact

So many customers buy products just because the package design looks exciting or premium, even if they may only use it sometime soon. This is where enhancing your shelf impact can make a significant difference. Your packet design must look attractive and distinguishable to catch the eyes of the customer amidst thousands of options. It must be convincing enough for customers to purchase your product even when they don’t plan to do it. You can achieve this by exploring different colour schemes and shapes of packets that will make your product the highlight of the shelf.





4. Choose Colours & Fonts Carefully

The right choice of fonts and colours can significantly influence the minds of the customers. For example, earthy tones are best for enhancing the natural essence of the product, whereas bright and playful colours like red and pink are perfect for confectionary or special food items devoted to occasions. Similarly, bold and minimalist fonts are perfect for a premium look, whereas handwritten or script fonts are great for building a sense of relevance and authenticity for homemade food products.





5. Consider future packaging needs

You might be expanding your product lines in the future. Hence, ensure that you keep this in mind when creating your packet designs. This is because once you launch a packet design in the market, you must be able to extend or adapt the packet designs for the new lines.





6. Print professionally

Irrespective of the aesthetics of your design, you need to focus on choosing high-quality print to ensure that the final print has a look and feel that you have been working on since day 1. Elevate your packaging by choosing only the best professionally printed designs that share the most authentic essence of your products on the retail shelves.





Packet Design Current Trends in Food Packaging

Your packet design must be relevant to the changing trends of the industry. Otherwise, irrelevant packet designs will soon get overshadowed by other brands, resulting in a downhill drop in sales.

1. Sustainable packaging solutions

As customers become more aware of the environmental concerns in this era, brands are actively working on implementing sustainable practices, especially in their packt designs. Choose eco-friendly materials, reduce plastic waste and embrace recyclable options to make your brand more sustainable for the environment and the consumers.





2. Personalisation in packaging

Don’t opt for generalisation in your packet designs. Be highly specific to your target consumers and focus on personalised packet design elements that will effectively foster stronger customer loyalty in the long run.





3. Technological integration in packet design

Integrate interactive technologies into your packet designs for the ‘wow’ factor. For example, QR codes, innovative packaging, NFC technology, etc, can really make the entire user experience for the target audiences and enhance the brand’s transparency with the market.





Future Innovations in Packet Design that Will Attract Consumers

You need to keep your eyes on the upcoming innovations in packet designs as well to stay relevant. Here is a list of a few that you can integrate in your upcoming packet design and improve it further!

1. 3D-printed packaging possibilities

3D printing is growing at an extremely rapid pace. Building a superior experience that is perfect for creating personalised experiences, 3D printing enhances the overall visual appeal of your packet designs.





2. Integration of biodegradable materials

As we said, being sustainable is the key to an increasingly efficient brand in this era. Choose biodegradable materials even if they cost more, as the ROI you will achieve in the later years will indeed justify this investment. Minimising the ecological footprint through sustainable packet materials can significantly enhance your product sales and reputation.





3. Nanotechnology applications in packaging design

Enhances the barrier properties and extends the shelf life with the latest nanotechnology applications. These smart packaging solutions offer accurate time information about the product’s quality and freshness. This will foster a sense of trust and reliability for your brand among the customers.





4. Role of Artificial Intelligence in designing packets

Artificial Intelligence can significantly enhance the product experience for your customers. By utilising interactive AI algorithms, you can analyse consumer preferences, market trends, environmental considerations, and other similar factors that will upgrade your packet design quality to the values and expectations of the customers.






The Indian food market is massive and diverse. It would help to upgrade with the changing trends to stay relevant and updated in the industry. Feel free to share some ideas for transforming packet designs in the food industry that will thrive in the upcoming years.

If you are looking for more creative food packet ideas, connect with our designers today and let us together create a phenomenal food packet design that makes your products go out of stock in the first week itself!

Author: Megha Malik


As a passionate entrepreneur and creative brand consultant with experience of 14 years in digital, branding and packaging industry, it is my honest effort to put my experiences and knowledge of industry towards readers. A chartered accountant by degree but a marketing personality in blood has motivated her to take in designing industry as a career. With her fun-loving personality and sharp branding skills, she is a great motivational speaker on her YouTube channel, an active member in various business channels offline as well as online. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.