Print Design

Print Design: Tips and Tricks for Creating Stunning Designs That Pop!

Starting from brochures to billboards and print ads. The road to promotion using print media is endless and timeless.

The key to a successful print media design is to make it unique, exceptional and eye-catching – The secret to attracting customers consistently and generating higher profit margins every time!

Print design is a necessary aspect in the field of marketing and design. Chances are that one professionally designed print flyer or ad guided a potentially high-paying customer to your business!

As we said, only some print designs seal the deal. Start with blending your creativity with authenticity, and follow our below-mentioned tips for the rest! Let’s get started.

What is Print Design & Why does it still matter for printed media?

We create print designs for printed media such as business cards, stationery, billboards and others instead of digital spaces like social media or websites. Like any other design, the print design aims to attract audiences through top-notch visuals and communicate a specific message to the viewers.

We encounter many print designs in our daily lives which are still relevant. This is because it usually comes in an easy-to-read format that enhances the customer experience by positioning the brand positively. It helps you narrate a story effectively by choosing colours, layouts, fonts and other elements. This results in better sales pitches and other marketing, advertising and branding efforts.

Furthermore, consumers are more likely to retain print materials over online ads. This is because print designs are tangible and create a better impact by allowing the brain to process the information efficiently and recall it later. It also stimulates a strong emotional response, making it a strong player in your omnichannel marketing strategy.

Types of Print Design That Will Promote Your Business

Print designs have been evident for decades in every industry. Numerous print designs are available for businesses that align with their values and interests, especially the target audiences. Let’s discuss the most common print design types suitable for every industry.

  • Business card design
  • Business cards are a dire necessity in every business. It is an essential aspect of your brand identity that boosts brand recognition and recall. You will likely hand out your business cards to make connections and expand your circle of business partners and customers. Your business card will contain basic personal information such as name, job title, contact information, company logo and slogan to remind the recipient about your business.

  • Print Ads
  • Print ads are one of the highest ROI-generating marketing tactics still relevant in the digital era. Despite your digital marketing strategy, the print ads eventually catch potential consumers’ attention daily and promote your business more effectively. Thus, the more attractive print ads you create, the more your chances are of acquiring customers for your business!

  • Flyer Print Design
  • Flyers are a standard mode of communication and marketing for businesses due to their affordable printing costs. Attractive flyers can drive a massive ROI to a business, especially when it is a newly launched startup. An ideal flyer will contain your company’s branding, specific product details, eye-catching graphics and text to convey the information effectively to the recipient. By distributing high-quality flyers and promoting your business, you can effectively reach a wide range of people without spending much on your marketing efforts.

  • Banner design
  • We print banners readily nowadays for spreading commercial messages to the masses. From handwritten and painted to digitally printed banners, we see various kinds of banner designs daily in our day-to-day lives, even when stuck in long traffic or passing through the driveway! It is a great way to advertise a special product range launch, event or brand.

  • Stationery
  • Brand stationery design is an essential aspect of any business. It keeps your business at the forefront with engaging graphics and legible fonts. It often acts as the first point of contact your customers will have with your brand. Hence, high-quality brand stationery is crucial to make an excellent first impression! This will impress your customers by portraying your business as professional, credible and attentive to detail!

  • Packaging & Label Design
  • Just like business cards and stationery, often your packaging and label designs are your customers’ first point of contact with your brand, especially when they encounter your brand for the first time from the retail shelves. In this era, your products must stand out to generate the maximum sales. Your products must look appealing in the eyes of the consumers and compel them to purchase from your brand!

  • Graphic Designs
  • Last but not least, graphic design is one of the most critical marketing strategies. It is a required method of communicating your brand message to your customers. Irrespective of the media you print your graphic design on, it must look attractive and timeless to create the maximum impact on the customers.

    5 Essential Tips for stunning print design

    Creating the best print designs is tough not to crack. As we said, creating the right balance in the print design that looks attractive while being manageable for the customers is exceptionally challenging. Here are some tips that will make your print designs pop and attract all eyes to your business.

  • Keep in Mind the Bleed Area
  • The bleed area is the extended area beyond the document’s actual dimensions. We must consider the bleed area to avoid any trips of white paper showing on the edges of the print when we cut it to size. Set bleed and trim for your print designs depending on your program. This way, you can ensure that the design prints to the edge even if the material or paper is misaligned in the printer or trimmed from any larger sheet.

  • Make your document successful
  • Once you have created the document, add the number of pages and frames your design will need for a polished printed look. Add, remove or reorder any pages in your document if required. Adjust the margins, columns and custom guides to align the content consistently. These will ensure your print design looks flawless and professional for your consumers and clients.

  • Be creative and non-traditional
  • Sure, print media has been in the marketing space for years, but it is no longer limited to conventional designs. Unleash your creative mind and think out of the box to create unique designs. Starting from colour choices to fonts and layouts. There are endless ways to get creative and create disruptive print designs that transform your business sales in no time!

  • Check Your Work for Errors
  • Creating a print design is a process that takes time and effort. It requires days or months of dedication, consistency and hard work. To maintain a polished, professional look, ensure the print design looks consistent across all the pages. Maintain the same colour story, fonts, margins, heading sizes, and other design elements, as all of these contribute significantly to the ultimate quality of your print design.

  • Print out your design
  • Once you complete the entire design process, it’s time to export your print designs in formats like PDF and print them out. Ensure to use suitable formats as it determines the final quality of the print design. This will help you avoid blurred, bleeding or inconsistent images in your print design.


    While digital designs are ever-evolving and expanding, print designs are in exceptionally high demand in this era. If you want your startup to stand out, investing in high-quality print designs that determine the perceived quality of your business in the consumer’s mind is essential.

    Want to set foot in the tangible world of print designs? As print designs are a lengthy and complicated process, professional print designers will have the right expertise in their belt that will help your business generate higher revenue through the best print designs! Hire the best print designer around you and let them care for the rest.

    Author: Anush Malik


    Being a strategist’s head and a long term visionary personality aims to achieve excellence in branding, packaging and digital marketing field. My 15 years of design experience and masters degree ais my strength which keeps me motivated and keep me going positively. I have participated in extensive branding design conquests in India, USA, Australia and New Zealand with winning zeal. My objective is to encourage start-ups and hence involves actively in the articles which will act as a productive intake of knowledge for them. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.